Photo of Campus Police Office

McHenry County College Police

Dial 911 for a life-threatening emergency. MCC Police will respond.

For all non-emergency calls, dial extension 8733, or from an outside line dial (815) 455-8733. After hours, dial 911 for emergencies only.

The MCC Police Department is located in B176, near the commons area and café. The Police Department is staffed by police officers and campus public safety officers daily. The Crystal Lake Police Department responds to overnight emergencies on campus through an intergovernmental agreement.

Safety Videos

Run. Hide. Fight. Surviving an Active Shooter Event

Campus Safety and Security at MCC

How To Use NARCAN® Nasal Spray

We Support

One Mind Campaignthumbnail of One Mind Certification

The One Mind Campaign seeks to ensure successful interactions between police officers and persons affected by mental illness.

Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police

The Affirmation of Shared Principles is a pledge of ten principles that reinforces our Police Department's commitment to equal and fair treatment of everyone.