Hall of Human Origins

Homo Floresiensis Skull, 18,000 Years Ago
Homo floresiensis
Homo sapien Skull,  35,000 years ago
Homo sapien
Denisovan mandible, 35,000–50,000 years ago
Homo neanderthalensis Skull, 73,000 - 40,000 Years Ago
Homo neanderthalensis
Homo heidelbergensis Skull, 324,000 - 274,000 Years Ago
Homo heidelbergensis
Homo antecessor 936,000 Million Years Ago
Homo antecessor
Homo erectus Skull, 1.75 Million Years Ago
Homo erectus
Homo habilis Skull, 1.9 Million Years Ago
Homo habilis
Paranthropus boisei Skull, 1.8 Million Years Ago
Paranthropus boisei
Homo rudolfensis Skull, 1.9 - 18 Million Years Ago
Homo rudolfensis
Paranthropus robustus, 2 - 1.5 Million Years Ago
Paranthropus robustus
Australopithecus africanus Skull, 2.5 Million Years Ago
Australopithecus africanus
Paranthropus aethiopicus Skull, 2.5 Million Years Ago
Paranthropus aethiopicus
Australopithecus Afarensis Skull, 3 Million Years Ago
Australopithecus afarensis
Australopithecus Anamensis skull,  3.8 Million Years Ago
Australopithecus anamensis
 Ardipithecus Ramidus Skull, Lateral View,  4.4 Million Years Ago
Ardipithecus ramidus
Sahelanthropus tchadensis, 6.7 Million Years Ago
Sahelanthropus tchadensis

The Liebman Institute for Science Innovation at McHenry County College presents

MCC's Hall of Human Origins

This stunning collection of hominin skulls from the Bone Clones® Hominid line includes the seldom seen, fully articulated walking reconstruction of the 3.2 million-year-old skeleton "Lucy". These detailed casts of fossil specimens were carefully recreated by a team of anatomical sculptors in conjunction with anthropological consultants using published osteological data. The skulls are artistically and taxonomically arranged based on the current paleoanthropological record. The MCC Hall of Human Origins* offers critical objective insight into hominin evolution through a uniquely human exploration of the fossil evidence.

This interactive exhibit is on permanent display in the Life Sciences wing of the Liebman Science Center (Building F).

The American Museum of Natural History's Seven Million Years of Human Evolution


*A rare museum showcase that draws upon design and content expertise from the London Museum of Natural History, American Museum of Natural History, Australian Museum, Smithsonian Institution, and California Academy of Sciences.