A white female in a gym doing floor exercises with personal trainer

Peace Officer Wellness Evaluation Report (POWER) Testing

In Illinois, all entry-level candidates must take the Peace Officer Wellness Evaluation Report (POWER Test) before entering a police academy. This physical fitness assessment evaluates the physical fitness of those entering law enforcement. MCC offers the POWER Test on the Crystal Lake Campus three times yearly: March, June, and September. The testing fee is $55 per candidate and $26 for a replacement POWER card. Wear suitable exercise attire for both indoor and outdoor events.

The POWER Test consists of four parts:

  1. Sit and reach
  2. One-minute sit-up test
  3. One repetition maximum bench press
  4. 1.5-mile run

See the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board POWER Test Standards

Browse dates and register for the POWER Test »

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