MCC is legally obligated to make specific information about graduation rates and transfer-out rates available to you. Use this information to make an informed choice about attending MCC.
Student Right-to-Know legislation requires that we report the proportion of students who began their studies full-time and who complete programs within 150 percent of the normal time required for completion. Three years for associate degrees and up to two years for certificates is normal at a community college with two-year programs.
Past data are available upon request. Contact the Office of Institutional Research at (815) 479-7518 for more information.
- Fall 2020 Cohort of Full-Time Degree/Certificate Seeking Students
Fall 2020 Cohort of Full-Time Degree/Certificate Seeking Students MCC MCC Peer Institutions1 State of Illinois Student Description Students Percent Students Percent Students Percent Full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking 455 2982 23,761 Completed a degree or certificate 179 39.34% 1283 43.02% 8909 37.49% Still enrolled following a three-year period 50 10.99% 195 6.54% 2425 10.21% Transferred to another institution 82 18.02% 550 18.44% 4696 19.76% Successful (completed, transferred, or still enrolled)2 311 68.35% 2028 68.01% 16,030 67.46% Other (left without completing or transferring) 144 31.65% 954 31.99% 7731 32.54% Source: Illinois Community College Board "Goals, Results, and Strategies" (GRS) Reports 2024
- MCC's peer institutions include Black Hawk, Lincoln Land, Lake Land, Parkland, and John A Logan. These institutions were identified through a peer study and may differ slightly from MCC's ICCB-identified peer group. ↵
- Successful students are those who completed or transferred or were still enrolled within three years after entering the college.↵
- Fall 2020 Cohort of Full-Time Degree/Certificate Seeking Students by Gender
Fall 2020 Cohort of Full-Time Degree/Certificate Seeking Students by Gender Male Female Student Description Students Percent Students Percent Full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking 236 219 Completed a degree or certificate 91 38.56% 88 40.18% Still enrolled following a three-year period 22 9.32% 28 12.79% Transferred to another institution 40 16.95% 42 19.18% Successful (completed, transferred, or still enrolled) 153 64.83% 158 72.15% Other (left without completing or transferring) 83 35.17% 61 27.85% Source: Illinois Community College Board GRS Reports 2024
- Fall 2020 Cohort of Full-Time Degree/Certificate Seeking Students by Race/Ethnicity
Fall 2020 Cohort of Full-Time Degree/Certificate Seeking Students by Race/Ethnicity Asian Black/African American Hispanic White 2+ Races Student Description Students Percent Students Percent Students Percent Students Percent Students Percent Full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking 9 13 87 311 21 Completed a degree or certificate 4 44.44% 1 7.69% 31 35.63% 129 41.48% 7 33.33% Still enrolled following a three-year period 4 44.44% 2 15.38% 12 13.79% 29 9.32% 2 9.52% Transferred to another institution 0 0.00% 5 38.46% 12 13.79% 59 18.97% 5 23.81% Successful (completed, transferred, or still enrolled) 8 88.89% 8 61.54% 55 63.22% 217 69.77% 14 66.67% Other (left without completing or transferring) 1 11.11% 5 38.46% 32 36.78% 94 30.23% 7 33.33% Source: Illinois Community College Board GRS Reports 2024
Note: Race/ethnicity categories with fewer than ten students reported, and those with unknown race/ethnicity are excluded from the report.
- Fall 2020 Cohort of Full-Time Degree/Certificate Seeking Students, by Student Groups
Fall 2020 Cohort of Full-Time Degree/Certificate Seeking Students, by Student Groups Scholarship Athletes Pell Recipients Student Description Students Percent Students Percent Full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking 12 125 Completed a degree or certificate 4 33.33% 39 31.20% Still enrolled following a three-year period 1 8.33% 16 12.80% Transferred to another institution 5 41.67% 17 13.60% Successful (completed, transferred, or still enrolled) 10 83.33% 72 57.60% Other (left without completing or transferring) 2 16.67% 53 42.40% Source: Illinois Community College Board GRS Reports 2024