E-Portfolio Frequently Asked Questions

E-Portfolio Exception Policy: Students who have earned 45 earned credit hours prior to Summer 2014 through MCC coursework (including developmental courses), transfer credit, test credit (including CLEP, AP, DSST, Proficiency), and/or State Certifications are exempted.

  • Can I get a waiver to excuse me from creating an e-portfolio?

    There is no waiver of any end-of-program assessments.

  • What's the purpose of the e-portfolio?

    E-portfolio data is used to improve teaching at the college. However, it is a way of assessing if the college has met the goal of teaching the general education goals and so we ask that you submit your best material.

  • Who can I direct my specific questions to?

    Provide your email at the e-portfolio info booth or an e-portfolio workshop, with your question. Someone will get back to you.

  • What happens if I just don't do it?

    An e-portfolio is a graduation requirement. If you're missing any type of graduation requirement, you will be denied graduation.

  • Will I get any score or feedback? Does this affect my grade?

    Your e-portfolio is not graded and will not appear on your transcript or count toward your GPA or grades.

  • Can I use one assignment to cover a few categories?

    No. There must be four items in your e-portfolio, one for each general education goal.

  • What if I am a transfer student and haven't taken many courses here? I might not have an artifact for each category. What happens then?

    You only need four items. An assignment can meet goals that are not immediately apparent - think beyond the obvious. You should be able to find four items that show these goals.

  • Is there a length limit on the artifacts?


  • What file types can I upload?

    Any file type installed on MCC's computers can be uploaded. If you can view the file on MCC computers, you can upload it to your e-portfolio.

  • Can I use an item which isn't an essay?

    Yes, and that is encouraged, to show more variety. You could include a photo of any project, a video or audio file of a performance, a spreadsheet or other graphic, or documents which aren't essay (like computer programs). However, the artifact needs to be clearly explained.

  • Can I attach items already submitted in Canvas?

    Yes! All your submitted documents are available and can be linked for insertion in your e-portfolio.

  • How will my portfolio be evaluated?
    Critical Thinking:
    Students who graduate from MCC are critical thinkers. They are able to do at least one of the following at a level appropriate for a 2-year degree holder:
    Exceeds Competent Approaching Marginal
    Combine stated truths and facts to make arguments and develop new ideas The student excelled at combining stated truths and facts in order to construct a valid argument and develop a new idea. The student combined some truths and facts to develop an idea. The student showed some evidence of attempting to combine truths and ideas but had difficulty developing new ideas. The student did not combine any truths and facts to develop an idea.
    Interpret data and draw conclusions

    The student clearly and accurately interpreted data and drew significant conclusions.
    The student used an appropriate tool or method to solve a problem. The solution was creative, complex, and or applied in a real-world context.

    The student adequately interpreted data and drew some basic conclusion –OR- The student used an appropriate tool or method to solve a problem. The problem was complex enough to require advanced thinking or the tool/method is applied in a new nonobvious context. The student did not adequately interpret data OR did not draw appropriate conclusions.
    The student used an obvious tool or method. No creative application.
    The student did not interpret data and did not draw appropriate conclusions.
    The student used an inappropriate/incorrect tool or method or did not use a tool at all. Wrong tool or method chosen.
    Construct arguments supported with more than opinion The student constructed a strong argument and support ideas with source material representing a variety
    of perspectives.
    The student constructed an organized argument and the ideas were supported by source material. The student constructed an organized argument, but points are not supported by evidence. The student did not construct an organized argument.
    Recognize bias and act in ways that questions assumptions The student recognized bias and showed evidence of questioning their own assumptions and the assumptions of
    The student showed some recognition of bias and questioned their own assumptions. The student attempted to recognize bias but was unable to question their own assumptions. The student showed no recognition of bias and did not question their own assumptions.
    Effective Communication:
    Students who graduate from MCC are effective communicators. They are able to do at least one of the following at a level appropriate for a 2-year degree holder:
    Criteria Exceeds Competent Approaching Marginal
    Select from a variety of communication styles based on the situation The student selected an appropriate form of communication, explained their point of view in a clear and appropriate manner, and clearly proofread the final product. The student selected an appropriate form
    of communication,
    but may have had a few mistakes in
    The student selected a form of communication that is not appropriate to the situation OR is too informal for the situation. The student selected a form of communication that is not appropriate to the situation AND is too informal for the situation.
    Listen attentively
    *Should only use when applicable
    The student took feedback or information presented and clearly applied it to the assignment. The student took feedback or information presented but may not have effectively used the information in the assignment. The student acknowledged feedback or information presented but did not use it to achieve an educational goal. The student disregarded or misinterpreted feedback or information presented.
    Adapt to audience and context in professional and/or personal interactions The student included all audiences and regarded many points of view. The student showed effort to include some groups but was limited in regarding varying points of view. The student catered to a niche group or audience. The student disregarded or did not consider varying points of view or audiences.
    Information Literacy:
    Students who graduate from MCC are information literate. They are able to do all of the following at a level appropriate for a 2-year degree holder:
    Criteria Exceeds Competent Approaching Marginal
    Access multiple sources to provide sound evidence The student used several sources of different types with varied views and details. The student used a few
    sources with some variety of views and details.
    The student used too few sources OR sources with little variety of views and details. The student used too few sources which do not demonstrate a variety of views and details.
    Ensure information is of quality and use
    the information to accomplish an academic goal
    The student used sources that are reliable and well prepared and clearly connect to the goals of the assignment. The student used sources that are reliable and well prepared and connect to the goals of the assignment. The student used sources that are unreliable OR poorly prepared OR only vaguely connected to the goals of the assignment. The student used sources that are unreliable AND poorly prepared AND do not connect to the goals of the assignment.
    Acknowledge where information is coming from and whom it belongs to The student used sources that are thoroughly documented using in-text citations and an end list in an appropriate citation format (APA, MLA, etc.). The student used sources that are documented using an appropriate citation format (APA, MLA, etc.). (In-text citations are optional.) The student used sources and source documentation is attempted but is unclear or missing details. The student used sources, but source documentation is not present, OR student did not use sources.
    Students who graduate from MCC are professional. They are able to do at least one of the following at a level appropriate for a 2-year degree holder:
    Criteria Exceeds Competent Approaching Marginal
    Speak and act honestly The student clearly showed honesty and integrity. The student showed some evidence of honesty and integrity. The student showed some evidence of honesty or integrity, but this was not clearly
    The student demonstrated a lack of honesty or integrity.
    Engage in courteous and culturally sensitive
    The student was respectful to all cultures and points of view. The student made some effort to consider other cultures or points
    of view.
    The student was limited in consideration of culture or points of view. The student showed disrespect or ignorance of cultures and points of view beyond their own.

    Present themselves and actions appropriately in professional environments (this includes in written form such as emails, in person through timely and respectful interactions, and adherence to professional codes
    and standards)

    5The student clearly used appropriate language for a professional environment and followed all professional codes and standards. The student mostly used appropriate language for a professional environment OR showed evidence of following some professional codes and standards. The student showed some evidence of understanding professional codes and standards but did not clearly demonstrate this in action. The student did not show evidence of following professional codes and standards.
    Follow through on commitments The student clearly followed through on all commitments. The student followed through on most commitments. The student followed through on most commitments. The student followed through on most commitments.
  • Does my professionalism artifact have to come from a class at MCC?

    No, you can submit something you did while a student at MCC even if not associated with a class. For example, if you submit a resume, it should reflect the style of job for which you are searching. A graphic designer might have a resume that reflects the type of work and could be very different from someone who is looking for a job in a business office. However, submitting something that was done outside an MCC class, a resume or photo or other outside activity, it should contain substantial justification in the description paragraph as to how this meets the General Education goal.

  • Does my description of the artifact really matter?

    Yes! Your description paragraph to each General Education goal describing your artifact is just as important as the artifact itself. This helps to support how your artifact fits within each General Education goal.

  • Can I use my time within an organization such as: PTK, student club, student government, athletics or an achievement or award (such as GPA, honors roll, dean’s list) as my professionalism?

    Yes. However, you need to describe specific activities, events, or actions related to your involvement and its correlation to professionalism. For example, PTK needs examples of how they were involved not just a member.

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