Placement Testing Overview
At MCC, placement can be determined through a variety of ways: College Placement Exams, GPA, SAT, and ACT.
Curious to see if MCC has received your official scores?
Check here: myMCC > Self-Service > Academics > Student Planning > Test Summary
You can contact Advising for more information at (815) 479-7565
- College Placement Tests (Free)
- Placement by GPA
English GPA Course 2.7+ ENG 151 Math GPA Course 3.2 MAT 165 2.9 MAT 161, MAT201, MAT 150, MAT 120 2.6 MAT 099 2.2 MAT 095 <2.2 MAT 090 Contact your high school to have your transcripts sent to us.
To submit college transcripts: Transfer to MCC
- Placement by ACT and SAT
English 151 Score ACT PSAT SAT 19 English and 19 Reading 480+ 480+ Math Score Course ACT SAT MAT 170 28 660 MAT 171 28 660 MAT175 28 660 MAT220 28 660 MAT 165 22-27 530 MAT161 22-27 530 MAT 201 22-27 530 MAT 150 22-27 530 MAT 120 22-27 530 MAT 099 n/a n/a MAT 095 n/a n/a MAT 090 n/a n/a - Placement by GED College Ready Score
Submit your GED College Ready Score through the Regional Office of Education.
Students who present GED credentials with a GED ® College Ready score of 165 or higher demonstrate the skills needed to start college-level courses.
- Placement Options
- Students who have a minimum of 12 hours of college credit may be placed based on their college GPA rather than high school GPA. International students’ credentials will be evaluated, and students will be placed accordingly.
- Placement measures are good for five years for English and three years for math.
- AP scores can be used for placement. Submit AP scores through
- Dual credits scores are already on students' MCC record - no action needed.
Eligible incoming students may request accommodations for placement testing. Contact Access and Disability Services.