Become a Student Trustee

Elected every spring semester, the Student Trustee helps promote the welfare of students, protects student rights, and represents the opinions of students wherever possible.

The Student Trustee serves to connect the MCC Board of Trustees and the Student Government. They also work with student trustees from other community colleges at the state level.

Who is eligible to be a Student Trustee?

You must meet all requirements to be eligible.

  1. You should be in good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 or better.
  2. You need to be enrolled for at least 9 credit hours each semester throughout the duration of your respective term.
  3. You need to be a resident of District 528.
  4. You can serve no more than one year as the Student Trustee.

Additional selection criteria include:

  • Demonstrated concern for the welfare of students and the college
  • Awareness of issues facing the college
  • Understanding of the responsibilities of the position
  • Maturity and a positive attitude
  • Communication skills (the ability to organize thoughts and share ideas clearly and effectively)
  • College involvement (awareness of campus opportunities and resources)

How do I apply to be Student Trustee?

Applications will be available at the beginning of February. Email to be notified when they are available or with any other questions.