How We Determine Accommodations

We use an interactive process to determine accommodations. That means ADS considers all the information that you provide in the Intake Form, in your documentation, and during the intake appointment. The intake appointment is a collaborative conversation between you and an ADS team member. We'll talk with you about how your disability or health condition impacts you and about any accommodations you used in the past. We will also ask what accommodations you would like to use at MCC. We will discuss potential accommodations that we can approve, as each student’s situation is unique. We will also inform you about the process for using accommodations and other helpful services at MCC.

  • Who is Eligible for Accommodations?

    Laws prohibit MCC from discriminating against individuals with disabilities. MCC must provide equal access and reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities who are otherwise qualified to participate in any program or activity at MCC.

    An individual is “otherwise qualified” if, with or without reasonable modifications to rules, policies or practices; the removal of architectural, communication, or transportation barriers; or the provision of auxiliary aids and services, they meet the essential eligibility requirements to receive services or participate in programs or activities provided by MCC.

    An MCC student has a “disability” if they fit in one of these three categories:

    1. A person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of that person (for example, walking, speaking, seeing, hearing, learning, or caring for oneself);
    2. A person who has a record of such impairment; or
    3. A person who, while not actually disabled, is regarded as having such impairment.

    In determining whether a student has a disability, MCC may consider the individual’s self-report, the observations and interactions with the student by the disability professionals working in ADS, and educational and medical records provided by the student. Any of the following documentation submitted by an enrolled or admitted student is sufficient to establish that the student is an individual with a disability:

    • Documentation that the individual has had an Individualized Education Program (IEP) in accordance with Section 614(d) of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
      • ADS may request additional documentation if the IEP was not in effect immediately prior to the date when the individual exited high school
    • Documentation that the individual has received services or accommodations provided to the individual under a Section 504 plan provided to the individual pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973
      • ADS may request additional documentation if the Section 504 Plan was not in effect immediately prior to the date when the individual exited high school
    • Documentation of a plan or record of service for the individual from a private school, a local educational agency, a State educational agency, or an institution of higher education provided under a Section 504 plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or in accordance with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
    • A record or evaluation from a relevant licensed professional finding that the individual has a disability
    • A plan or record of disability from another institution of higher education
    • Documentation of a disability due to military service in the uniformed services

    Once ADS determines that a student is generally eligible for accommodations as an otherwise qualified individual with a disability, the next step is for ADS and the student to engage in the interactive process to establish specific accommodations that are individualized to address the impacts of the student’s disability.

The Importance of Advance Notice for Accommodation Requests

Please submit your Access and Disability Services intake form and disability documentation promptly. This will help us process and implement your accommodations before class due dates.

Requesting Accommodations - Registering with the ADS Office

While we do accept and process requests throughout the semester, note that requests will only be accepted through week 12 for 16-week courses. Any requests received after that deadline will be reviewed for eligibility in the following semester. Late accommodation requests cannot be reviewed, coordinated, and implemented on short notice.

The same deadlines apply to returning students. All accommodation requests must be submitted to the ADS office by the end of week 12 of the semester.

Requesting Academic Coaching

The ADS office offers academic coaching on a "first-come-first-served" basis. Students can request academic coaching until the Monday of week 10 (for 16-week courses). After that, students would be eligible to request academic coaching for the following semester.

Refer to the table below for cut-off dates for 4, 8, 12, and 16-week courses

Cut-off dates for 4, 8, 12 and 16-week courses
Length of Course Cut-off date to Request Accommodations for Current Semester Cut-off date to Request Academic Support Coaching for Current Semester
16-weeks Friday of week 12 Monday of week 10
12-weeks Friday of week 9 Monday of week 7
8-weeks Friday of week 6 Monday of week 5
4-weeks Friday of week 1 Monday of week 2