How to Obtain Accommodations
- Enroll in classes for the current or upcoming term.
Apply to MCC before you enroll in classes if you are a prospective student.
- Complete an Access and Disability Services intake form.
At the end of the intake form, you may attach documentation about your disability or health condition and how it impacts you.
Some examples of documentation include Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs) or 504 plans from high school, neuropsychological testing reports, vision examination reports, audiological evaluations or audiograms, hospital discharge summaries, doctor’s notes, or other medical records.
Medical or educational documentation is not required to meet with our office but helps determine accommodations.
See more information about documentation under “Who is Eligible for Accommodations”.
If you need assistance completing the intake form, contact our office at (815) 455-8766 or You can also visit us in Room A256.
- Wait for a call or email from Access and Disability Services.
After the Access and Disability Services (ADS) team reviews your intake form, we will contact you to schedule an intake appointment. ADS will contact you at the phone number you provided on your intake form or at your MCC student email address. See information about MCC student email.
- Meet with Access and Disability Services for an intake appointment.
Appointments are offered in person, by Zoom, or by phone. You may bring a support person to the intake appointment. You may also bring your documentation for copying if you cannot attach it to the intake form or email it to our office before your meeting. See more information about the interactive process we use for determining accommodations.
- Check your MCC student email!
After the intake appointment, we'll send confirmation of your approved accommodations to your MCC student email address. You are now registered with ADS!
- Request instructor notification of your approved accommodations through the ADS student portal.
Remember to request instructor notification of your approved accommodations through the ADS student portal each semester or term. See information on using your accommodations.
Community members may request accommodations for MCC events or for testing services unrelated to MCC classes. Make your request to Access and Disability Services at or (815) 455-8766.