Explore Anthropology

Anthropology is the study of humanity. It examines past and present human cultures, as well as human evolution, modern human biological variation, and humanity's closest living relatives, the primates.

It consists of five primary subfields:

  1. Biological (Physical) Anthropology (the study of human biology)
  2. Archaeology (the study of past human cultures)
  3. Cultural Anthropology (the study of modern cultures, including the United States)
  4. Anthropological Linguistics (the study of language from an anthropological perspective)
  5. Applied (Engaged) Anthropology (using anthropological methods and information to solve problems on a local and global scale).

Explore Anthropology

Macktown fossils

MCC students get hands-on experience on a real archaeological site through our Archaeology Field School.

spruce tree house

Spruce Tree House is a cliff dwelling on Mesa Verde in Colorado.

monks mound

Monks Mound, the largest earthen mound in North America (it is located at the Cahokia site near St. Louis).

Anthropology Majors and Careers

  • Business
  • Education
  • Medical Fields
  • Politics
  • Criminal Justice
  • Social Work
  • History
  • Biology
Students studying bones in Anthropology class
Students studying bones in a Forensics Anthropology Class

Individuals with degrees in anthropology have been hired by profit and non-profit organizations, as well as numerous government entities. One major reason for the diversity in careers is that individuals with anthropology degrees are taught to critically evaluate all aspects of an issue, and develop unbiased, culturally sensitive answers to the issue. These basic skills can be used by anyone who interacts with other people.

Career Resources

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead

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