Modes of Instruction

MCC offers courses in a variety of formats or modes. Each mode provides different opportunities for learning so you can select the format that suits your learning style.

Need structure? In-person courses provide a schedule to meet with your instructor and classmates. Flexible Lecture courses allow you to participate in class in person or remotely using a video conferencing platform.

Self-motivated? Online courses provide flexibility. Scheduled Online courses give you the chance to meet with your class and instructors, but virtually from anywhere. With Flexible Online courses, you'll have to meet assignment deadlines but you won't have any scheduled online class meetings.

Want a blend of both? Blended courses include some in-person class sessions with some flexible online lectures.

Modes of Instruction at MCC
 Mode Options Mode Description

In-person classes require face-to-face meetings at an MCC-designated physical location.

Flexible Lecture classes enable you to come in person or participate remotely via a video conferencing platform.

Blended Classes

Blended classes offer a combination of in-person and flexible online delivery modes. The amount of in-person vs. online work will vary by class.

Scheduled Online classes enable you to attend scheduled online class meetings via a video conferencing platform.

Flexible Online classes enable you to complete online content on your own time within established deadlines.

Identify Course Modes of Instruction 

  1. Visit Student Planning
  2. Select the Student Planning drop-down menu and choose Plan and Schedule
  3. Use the arrows on the left side to indicate the semester you would like to view
  4. Search for courses, view available sections, see Seats, Times, Mode of Instruction, Instructors
  5. Or, filter by Mode of Instruction


  1. Visit Self Service
  2. Select Course Catalog
  3. Filter by Mode of Instruction